Thursday, November 25, 2010

November 25, 2010

On November 25 in history ..

  1758 - Britain captures Ft Duquesne (Pittsburgh)
  1783 - Britain evacuated NY their last military position in US
  1867 - Alfred Nobel invents dynamite
  1884 - John B Meyenberg of St Louis patented evaporated milk
  1885 - VP Thomas A Hendricks died at 66 8 months after taking office
  1920 - WTAW of College Station Tx broadcast 1st football play-by-play
  1933 - 1st Soviet liquid rocket attains altitude of 261 ft
  1948 - Ft Funston's 16-inch coastal guns removed
  1952 - Agatha Christie's "Mouse Trap" opens in London
  1957 - Pres Eisenhower suffered a slight stroke
  1960 - 1st atomic reactor for research & development Richland Wa
  1973 - Greek Pres George Papadopoulos ousted in a bloodless military coup
  1974 - UN Secretary-General U Thant dies in NY of cancer at 65
  1975 - Netherlands grants Surinam independence (Natl Day)
  1976 - O.J. Simpson gains 273 yards for Buffalo vs. Det
  1980 - Sugar Ray Leonard regains WBC welterweight championship
  1983 - Soyuz T-9 returns to Earth 149 days after take-off
  1984 - William Schroeder becomes 2nd to receive Jarvik-7 artificial heart
  2005 - Polish Minister of National Defence Radek Sikorski opens Warsaw Pact archives to historians. Maps of possible nuclear strikes against Western Europe, as well as the possible nuclear annihilation of 43 Polish cities and 2 million of its citizens by Soviet-controlled forces, are released.
  2008 - A car bomb in St. Petersburg, Russia, kills three people and injures one.
  2009 - Powerful storm brings 3 years worth of rain in 4 hours to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, sparking terrible floods known as the 2009 Jeddah Floods, which kill over 150 people and sweep thousands of cars away right in the middle of Hajj in the second largest city of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah.

Famous birthdays On November 25 ..

  1835 - Andrew Carnegie, steel industrialist library builder
  1846 - Carry Nation, scourge of barkeepers and drinkers
  1881 - John XXIII, 261st pope (1958-63) (Angelo Roncalli) near Bergamo It
  1896 - Virgil Thomson, Composer and music critic
  1914 - Joe DiMaggio, Yankee Clipper
  1920 - Ricardo Montalban, Welcome to Fantasy Island Khan
  1933 - Lenny Moore, NFL back (Baltimore Colts)
  1933 - Kathryn Grant Crosby, in Houston
  1937 - John Larroquette,
  1939 - Martin Feldstein, economist
  1940 - Tina Turner, in Brownsville Tx
  1960 - John F. Kennedy Jr,
  1966 - Stacy Lattislaw,

The Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told: 100 Tales from History to Astonish, Bewilder, and Stupefy
Unsolved Mysteries of American History: An Eye-Opening Journey through 500 Years of Discoveries, Disappearances, and Baffling Events
The History of the United States From 1492 to 1910 From Discovery of America October 12, 1492 to Battle of Lexington April 19, 1775

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